Primary School Children Design Crime Prevention Posters

Southfield Primary and Orchard House School produce artwork

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Prizewinner and his poster

Prize winning Personal Safety Poster

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In April Southfield Safer Neighbourhood Team and Ealing Council representatives organised a crime prevention poster campaign with primary schools in Southfield Ward.

Year 6 six pupils (10-11yrs) were encouraged to take part in designing a poster which would assist the area reduce Motor Vehicle Crime.

The winning entries will be displayed in Acton to help fight Motor vehicle Crime.

Over 70 students from Southfield Primary School Southfield Road, W4 and Orchard House School, Newton Grove took part.

Some students taking part in the competition designed posters more compatible with Personal safety and it was decided to award prizes for both crime categories.

The Southfield Safer Neighbourhood Team and Ealing Council Community Safety Liaison Officer for Acton - Chris Reynolds, decided on the winning entries.

Prizewinners and Southfield SNTUchenna, aged 11, from Southfield Primary School produced the Winning entry for the Motor Vehicle Poster. Iona, aged 11, from Orchard House School supplied the Winning entry for the Personal Safety Poster.

Both winners received an engraved shield, a certificate and an MPS goody bag.

Runner up prizes of an MPS teddy bear and a certificate were issued to Onitia, aged 11, from Southfield Primary School and Amber, aged 11 from Orchard House School, for their entries in the competition.

Police Sergeant Helene Holloway, Southfield Safer Neighbourhood Team, said, “This is a great example of how local Safer Neighbourhood teams and Ealing Council are engaging with young people around such issues as personal safety and crime prevention. It is really rewarding to see how enthusiastic the children and schools responded to the competition and I believe we have built strong links and friendships for the future.”

Chris Reynolds, Ealing Council’s Community Safety Liaison Officer for Acton, said: “We were really impressed with the posters and all the kids who took part were really creative and imaginative. I’m sure they will enjoy seeing their work on show around their area.”

July 4, 2007